Happy New Year of the Rabbit from Iyashi Wellness!

Hello Reader,

2023 has finally come, and it's a good thing we're entering the Year of the Rabbit. 2022 was the Year of the Tiger, and as we know, tigers are ferocious. 2022 was indeed a year that kicked many people's butts, mine included, and that's why I took a month off during December and January to reconnect with family and my roots in Japan to re-ground me for 2023. I had a lovely time in Japan seeing my relatives and friends, eating delicious food, and touring some beautiful areas of Japan I've both been to and hadn't, and being able to share this experience with my son. I am now refreshed and ready to fully engage in 2023. :-) I am sharing a few photos from my trip, hope you enjoy them.

With 2023 being the Year of the Rabbit, I am happy to report to you that Rabbit is the symbol of of longevity, peace, and prosperity in Chinese culture. 2023 is predicted to be a year of hope.

If you haven't set your intentions yet, consider taking this auspicious note to set some intentions that brings you closer to your authentic self and manifest joy and peace within you and those around you for 2023. As part of the intention-setting, I wanted to share a podcast episode and video I made last year with my dear colleagues, Dr. Priya Advani and Maria Elizabeth Barrera, L.Ac., when we created a one-year podcast called It Takes Moxy. In this particular episode and accompanying video, we mom-acupuncturists talk about how to center ourselves to calmness and destress from the hectic day-to-day we tend to get caught up in. We share tips using essential oils, acupuressure and I share certain healing sounds to heal our mind and spirit.

Here is the episode from It Take Moxy: Post Pandemic Strategies For Stressed Out Moms

Here is the accompanying video:

Lastly, I'd like to celebrate 2023 because Iyashi Wellness turned 15 this year!! I cannot believe the good fortune I've had to be in business for 15 years and that people continue to seek my care and guidance even now. I am truly humbled that I could make an impact in my patients' and their families' lives these past 15 years. Thank you patients, colleagues and fans for all of your support, trust, and referrals all of these years! I am looking forward to see where my journey continues and how many more people I can be of service to in the coming years.

May 2023 Year of the Rabbit be good to you, your loved ones and bring you peace and prosperity!

Best regards,

Lúriko P. Ozeki, L.Ac.

Licensed adult and pediatric acupuncturist

Playa Vista Adjacent office 90045

Phone: 424.248.5576

Website: www.iyashiwellness.com


The information presented in this newsletter are the opinions of Luriko Ozeki, LAc and Iyashi Wellness and are for informational purposes only. The suggestions, products and recommendations are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this newsletter. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor, go to the emergency room, or call 911 immediately.

Iyashi Wellness

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